Tuesday, September 25, 2012



It was just depressing. Last night we lost - and it was a game we should have won. It was just the weirdest, most confusing game ever. The ball was flat, the refs had no idea what they were doing, and we got out of line-up so many times it wasn't even funny. I am preparing myself for Thursday - the dreaded practice. We have to run 19 suicides and do 11 minutes of wall squats. Oh my goodness, I think I'm gonna die. Almost everyone was crying after the game (except me and Kryn - we just giggled, because it's less embarrassing). We go into a little room afterwards and chat, and Shelby said she felt like she was in the principal's office.

So yeah. I hope our next game is a little more...organized. That was just the weirdest game.

1 comment:

hawwa said...

Awwh haha the game sounds horrible but most of all the horrible things u described sounds like my last basketball game! o__O I'm a new follower will you check out my blogs and follow back?