Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our Camping Trip

Hello, lovely blog readers!

I had a good camping trip. The first night I thought I broke my toe, but thankfully, I hadn't. I had dropped a table on it and it hurt A LOT. It was my big toe, though, We went to an aquarium. I attempted to take pictures, and most of them did not turn out. I am saving for a DSLR camera. I was practically drooling over some of the cameras I saw at the aquarium. We saw (little) sharks in the bay behind our campsite. One swam right beside my boat. It was a bonnethead shark and was probably around two feet big. (Bonnetheads are sort of like hammerheads.) And surprisingly, I didn't scream. I just started gasping, "SHARK!" I saw the fin coming towards the boat ("the boat" is a blow-up raft-like boat) and thought it looked like a fish (yes, I do realize that sharks are fish). It looked redish-brown to me. Dad said to me later, "How long have you known you're colorblind?" I have no idea why I thought it looked brown. I know, I'm kinda weird. It also stormed one day (actually two days, but we were at the aquarium the day of the first storm). Water basically came into the camper all along the sides, so it was very wet inside (DUH! It was OBVIOUSLY wet! I am really stating the obvious). We played at the beach a lot; I played some volleyball with my family (and Wilson - yes, we named our volleyball) while we were there. Don't judge. =)

I still need some questions for the FAQ page! I also really want to do a vlog...like I'd ever post one! I should try doing one just to prove to myself that I am way too awkward to do one. =) So IF I posted one, what do you want it to be on? Oh, and IF means that I'm not posting one. But whatever, comment and tell me anyway. Did that make any sense? Does ANY of this make sense?! Ok, don't answer that.

EXCUSE THE DESIGN! I am in the middle of redoing it and deciding if I should rename the blog (I know, I just started it). What do you all think I should do?

LAST EPISODE OF WNTW TONIGHT!!!! BOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO! Last of the season, anyway. And tomorrow I start some classes at a homeschool group we are part of (I do volleyball with them). Last year was...ok. I will post about tomorrow, soon. (That is, if there is anything interesting to tell about tomorrow.)



Kristin said...

Ouch... I broke my toe once we didn't go to the doctors to see if was but I knew it was. I wore a special shoe that takes pressure off the toes,for almost 2 weeks, the shoe was laying around from when my mom when broke her toes.

Kryn said...

I like the design (AND I LIKE THAT YOU ARE HOME!)

(and I like caps!)