Saturday, December 1, 2012

kryn's birthday

today is kryn's birthday. i am thrilled because i get to go hang with her and give her her birthday present (which i am so excited to give her)! and we get to take stupid photos (which we may regret later and wonder what we were thinking)! and we get to laugh insanely! and that's the story of our lives. a little like last night....

and this was one of the "good" ("good" as in one where it didn't look like i was eating my ice tea straw) ones. i know you're scared. anyway.....

i have known kryn since i was like three or four. we watch baby shows and think they're hilarious. we ride on many kiddie rides at legoland.

we do the silliest things together. we make "commercials" for the tidly bear. (beware, i do look scary in this video - what a surprise! =)

yes, we make videos like that. we also make no sense.

we sing to another friend in the car and basically drive her crazy (secretly she enjoys it - we hope). we scream (ok, maybe it's just me) wildly on baby roller coasters. kryn also broke her glasses on one of those coasters and couldn't see for the rest of the day.

we laugh together. we laugh when we're happy. we laugh when we're sad (just ask our volleyball coach!). we laugh when we are tired. basically we laugh ALL THE TIME. we laughed when we lost to a volleyball team that we all thought we should beat. everyone else cried...but we laughed. we sobbed when we got in the car, but together we laughed. (this is not posed. and yes, we look like strange hamsters. and yes i chewed on my is probably obvious since it is flat.)

we sing justin bieber songs even though we think they are weird and we also sing oldies songs. interesting combo, we know. but who said we were normal?

basically kryn is awesome and i love her and cannot imagine life without her and really do not want to. happy birthday, kryn. 


chip around (code name used for bowling.)

1 comment:

Kryn said...

I never commented on this...WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?!?!?1 But I love you so much frem, thanks for being the greatest!