I got to go to my first concert ever last night (insert scream here).
It was so exciting! And so loud! And so bright! And so different than what I expected!
We saw Royal Tailor (I don't really love their music, but it was ok), Group 1 Crew (I could have gotten Blanca's autograph, but I didn't. Silly me), and BRITT NICOLE (insert scream here)! AHH, I love her music (insert scream here). We got second/third row, and it was awesome (insert scream here). We were pretty much deafened, but it was great. And it was VERY hard to get good pictures. Here are some (semi) good ones of Britt Nicole. "Good" as in they are not totally blurred.
Ok, LOVE the expression. ;-)
She's so pretty. And cool.
So yeah. It was TONS fun!
Brooke and I were freaking out.